Various Synthesis Procedures Of Double Walled Carbon Nanotubes
Double Walled Carbon Nanotubes | Image Resource :
With so many researches being done on the nano tubes, a lot of benefits and its properties are being known to the mankind. Among thousands of nano particles, carbon nanotubes work as a versatile product which is used in different purposes and many industries. However, nowadays researchers are comparing different kinds of nano tubes and proving the best among the kinds.
It has been found that the carbon nanotubes of double walls have chemical stability and high thermal capacity than the carbon nanotubes with the single walls. Therefore, they are used in nano composite, electric devices, gas sensors, electronic devices, emitters and other applications. The structure of double walled carbon nanotubes is coaxial, and it has two cylinders of graphene. The researchers are mixing up two kinds of nanotubes in order to gain more advantages.
Processes to make double walled carbon nanotubes
Using the catalytic deposition procedures, the researchers are now able to come up with high quality of double walled CNTs. This procedure is followed by a process called purification which helps in producing supreme quality of nanotubes.
The technique makes use of iron catalyst along with molybdenum catalyst, which produces better double walled CNTs than the CNTs with single walls. As per the researchers, the result is due to more number of carbon elements. Some more studies are being done in order to prove that the double wall CNTs are far better than the single tubes. Even natural or environmental methods are being researched.
Finding double walled CNTs in the market
You can find the suppliers of DWCNTs in both online stores and in the regular markets. However, not every supplier can manage to offer supreme quality of the product. Make sure that the supplier is experienced and have knowledge in the nano products that he is selling.