Multi Walled Carbon Nanotubes – Most Versatile Material For Today’s Dynamic Discoveries

Multi Walled Carbon Nanotubes

Multi Walled Carbon Nanotubes | Image Resource :

A very important scientific discovery is the carbon nanotube, which is nothing but pure carbon in tubular form. It was discovered in 1991 and since then down the decades there has been a whole lot of experimenting around their properties and qualities. The reason is because of their extraordinary mechanical, electronic and magnetic features as a result of which they can be implemented in so many types of products.

An interesting feature about the carbon nanotube is that it can be as thin as a few nanometers and can stretch itself to as long as hundreds of microns. Another unique quality is that it is ten thousand times smaller than the human hair. However, in spite of this thinness, it has great strength as the bonding between atoms of carbon is very strong.

Nanotubes of carbon have many interesting properties. The foremost being that they are very good conductors of heat and electricity and hence they are used in all applications that demand this feature. It is to be noted that the manner in which the graphene sheet has been rolled up to make up the tubular shape affects its functionality. It is due to this feature that carbon nanotubes will function as either a semiconductor or as a metallic.

You will find carbon nanotubes having many applications such as in polymer additives, drug delivery, supercapacitators, anodes of lithium battery, flat panel display etc. Their versatile usage is due to their internal features and qualities. As a result, they find themselves used in some hi-tech products and gadgets.

About Multi Walled Carbon Nanotubes

Carbon nanotubes with numerous wall structures are called multiwalled carbon nanotubes. The key aspect about them is that they are available in many geometric patterns. It is easy to produce them in large quantities and they do not cost much.

This type of carbon nanotube is nothing but carbon in its purest form hence the inherent features of carbon can be manipulated in it to give the desired results. They are the best choice for additives in any application, because they can greatly improve its mechanical as well as its thermal conductivity.


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