Innovative Learning Models for Rural India

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Emerging india

Rural India has fewer facilities than towns and cities, which makes accessing education in such areas difficult. However, most of our very talented individuals come from rural areas, and the reason is that they enrolled in a village primary school at a young age and then proceeded to a semi-urban city nearby for college education. However, much improvement needs to be done in villages so that students learn faster, especially by introducing modern learning models.

A Look At Some Important Learning Models That Have Helped Students In Rural India
Getting students to go to a school in villages is indeed a challenging task, but with decades of activities carried out to spread awareness for education, today a lot of schools are running in rural areas of the country and this indicates the progress of emerging india,

What can be done to make learning easier for students going to such schools? Here is a look at some interesting learning models that teachers have used in villages to help students learn faster and retain what they have imbibed:


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